Part 1: I was a bit overwhelmed by this assignment, I don't know why, but it just caught me funny. I looked over all of the sites and I really liked the site. This site is ideal for elementary teachers because often science skills are one that children need and have a natural curiosity to, but is also the one that is omitted or cut because the expense is too great. This science site allows the children to complete science projects online with other groups of students ranging in age and skill levels; but more than that, they can also participate in a project with students not from their state or even country. The children of all ages complete a science project on-line; what a great way to incorporate science and technology! I also liked because it was a full circle idea. The children learn using science and technology, hands-on activities in an interactive way both locally and globally. The site also promotes the final project to show the children put into action what they have learned. In my opinion, this is a great way to learn, they learn what they are told, they learn what they do, and they learn by telling others; to me this is the full circle of learning.
Part 2: I could see young children using the surveymonkey site and young children could create a survey that we post online to get feedback about what local residents are doing to help the planet and then send the survey out in to the world for others from other countries to see what they are doing. I think this would be a simple task for young children. I think for older children, the shelfari site would be a great option, they could post books they have read about the topic and send comments about the text, and they could read books that are already listed on the site that relate to the topic. This could be followed through the school year to see if any new related texts were added or if anyone commented on the books they suggested. This would be a great way for children to see they are not the 'only people' on the planet.